Pilates after giving birth, team II (mums & babies 6 weeks - 12 months)

A joyful Pilates workout for mums and babies.

This course will be taught in English - everyone is welcome.

Dette hold bliver afviklet på let-forståeligt engelsk - alle er velkomne.

Se dansk infotekst nedenfor.

Information about this course

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What it is about

Pilates is a complete method of exercising and body-conditioning that helps mothers to get back into top form and shape while alleviates back pain and makes it easier to carry the baby without causing any injury. 

It brings the body into balance and a better posture as it places great emphasis on strengthening the core muscles of the body (abs, extensors and pelvic floor), lengthening the spine, increasing body awareness, and building muscle tone and flexibility. The course follows the internationally recognised BASI Pilates method.

The babies will get wonderful contact and sensory stimulation by participating actively in some of the exercises (but they are absolutely welcome to sleep instead if they need it).

Who can sign up

This course is for women 6 weeks.- 12 months after giving birth (or after 8 weeks in case of C-section).

Experience of Pilates practice is not required in order to attend.


The price includes 1 adult with a baby or twins. 

The ticket price shown here includes all the classes of the course.

You can join the course even after the starting date, if there is an available place. You pay only for the remaining classes, the price is adjusted accordingly on Billetto.

When you buy a ticket, a Billetto fee will be added.

Registration is binding.

Please bring:

- a lock for the stroller

- a bedsheet for covering the mats (or bring your own mat).

Flex-time option

Each week you can choose to join team I at 9.45-10.45 or team II at 11.00-12.00.

You don't have to notify the instructor in advance.

About the instructor

Caterini is dance educator and pilates instructor, choreographer, performer and video artist. She has presented her productions and lectures in over 30 international festival and conferences. Since 2005, she teaches contemporary

dance and Pilates all age groups in public schools and privet institutions in Denmark, England and Greece.

She is mother of two and specialized on pre-natal and post-natal training since 2011. She also directs the KINETICS Dance & Visual Art Center (Crete). She studied Dance and Visual Art at University of Brighton (2007). Awarded with a scholarship from the Onassis Foundation, she completed a MA in Performance: Dance Maker at the University of Chichester (2010). She is also a certified BASI Pilates instructor.

If you have any questions, please write to Caterini on: c.dinopoulou@yahoo.com

På dansk

Pilates er en komplet metode til at træne og konditionere kroppen, som hjælper mødrene tilbage i topform og fitness  - og til at kunne bære babyen rundt uden at få skader.

Pilates hjælper kroppen til at få bedre balance og kropsstilling fordi den sætter stor fokus på kernemusklerne i kroppen (såsom abs, extensors og bækkenbund).

Vi sætter fokus på at forøge kropsbevidsthed samt opbygning af både styrke og fleksibilitet i musklerne.

Undervejs får babyerne vidunderlig kontakt og sansestimulation ved at deltage aktivt i øvelserne (naturligvis må de gerne hvile efter behov).

Kurset følger den internationalt anerkendte BASI Pilates metode.

Ved adskillige former for rygsmerter kan der ses en positiv effekt af den omhyggelige core-træning vi arbejder med. Spørg evt. din læge til råds først, hvis du er i aktiv behandling.

Hvem kan deltage

For kvinder, der har født for mindst 6 uger siden. Dog 8 uger efter kejsersnit.

Du kan sagtens være med også selvom du ikke har trænet før.


Prisen dækker en voksen og en baby. Tilmelding er bindende og kan ikke annulleres.

Ved køb af billet tillægges et gebyr.

Man må gerne tilmelde sig efter holdstart, hvis der er ledige pladser. Prisen nedjusteres løbende på Billetto.

Tilmeldte babyer forventes at følge det offentlige vaccinationsprogram. Dette bl.a. af hensyn til børn med svækkelse af immunforsvar.

Du bedes medbringe

  •  din egen træningsmåtte (eller et lagen / stort håndklæde, så du kan tildække Prismens måtter). 
  • lås til barnevogn.

For spørgsmål kontakt Caterini på mail: c.dinopoulou@yahoo.com



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